We left Davis Mountains State Park around 11 am on Thursday, April 18th and drove 265 miles to Leasburg Dam State Park in Radium Springs, NM for a 7-night stay.
The previous Tuesday night, Cindy had started coming down with something. At first she thought her allergies had gone crazy, but by the time we left Thursday we knew she had some kind of bad bug. And, by the time we arrived at Leasburg Dam State Park and had gotten set up on Thursday night, we discovered I had the same nasty bug.
So, the timing was good in that at least I didn’t have to drive and do a lot of the setting up in a horrible health condition, AND it hit at the beginning of our stay so we had time to rest and recuperate. As a result we didn’t do much trail hiking until later in the stay when we felt a little better and didn’t do ANY of the visiting to some historical places we wanted to.
Instead we just slept, got up to use the bathroom or take Bella out to use the bathroom, took medicine and went back to sleep for 5 solid days. Cindy started feeling better (but not great) on Sunday the 21st and I did the same on Tuesday the 23rd. We both had lots of head congestion, chest congestion and body aches. Cindy had bad headaches with hers and I had a throat that felt like I had rinsed it with battery acid before swallowing razor blades. We went through three boxes of tissue and even though they were Puffs with Lotion our noses were still raw as could be from all the sneezing and nose blowing.
That means there is not much to write about on this stay.
Radium Springs got its name from a combination of radium presence in the area and an old hot spring nearby Fort Selden that was used during the Indian Wars. It is located about 20 miles north of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
As you can see on the map in the photo album, our campground was next to the Rio Grande River and a canal that ran alongside the river. Just to the north of us was the dam and spillway.
I wish we had felt better and been able to do some of the exploring we had planned, but that’s just the way it goes sometimes. We both still had not recovered completely when we left for our next stop, but at least we weren’t completely down for the count by that time.
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