Schodack Island State Park – Schodack Landing, NY August 28 – 31, 2023

We left Four Mile Creek State Park on Monday, August 28th and enjoyed a leisurely, scenic 5-hour drive to Schodack Island State Park outside of Albany, New York.

Driving through the town of Ridgeway, New York we saw an Amish lady with her horse, carriage AND flatbed trailer going down the main road of the little urban area. Cindy grabbed a shot of them through the windshield. I’m guessing we’ll see more Amish folks when we make our way through Pennsylvania next month.

The Schodack Island State Park is nestled on the banks of the Hudson River. Our campsite was fairly level and spacious. We went hiking around some of the trails near the river, but the mosquitos were SO numerous and ravenously hungry that we cut our hike short to escape them. Little buggers!

However, our real reason for this stop was to visit our friend Heather and her son Brad. Cindy saw Heather and child about 15 years ago but it’s been 23 years since I saw Heather in person. I believe that was at Jack and Marty’s wedding where she and I sang/mimed/karaoke’d Meatloaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Lights” to the delight (I’m sure) of the guests at the reception. And I had never had the pleasure of meeting Brad. In fact, it was a super-nice surprise to have him join us because I expected him to be away at college in Boston.

We had a delightful 2-hour meal with Heather and Brad at a little place Heather recommended that was about halfway between each of our respective locations. There was SO much catching up to do but it was SO much fun and over much too soon. We all promised each other that we would not allow so much time to pass before we see each other again.

Next up: To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before

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