The Hitching Post RV Park in Snowville Utah June 6-8, 2024

We got up at 5 am and left Green River Campground in Dinosaur National Monument at 6 am for a 6 1/2 hour drive (I know the map photo shows a little over 5, but don’t believe it!) to The Hitching Post RV Park in Snowville, Utah.

This was a gravel spot with grass around it, but it was fairly level and had full hook ups. That was good because we needed to dump and flush the tanks and fill our fresh water tank. Otherwise, this was just two days of rest. And we needed it as we had been pretty busy the previous 6 weeks or so.

The only aggravation we had was a loose dog harassing Bella the second morning we were there while we were walking her around the property. I had to keep chasing it away. One of the other campers told us it was the park owners’ dog, but the dog finally ran off and we never found out who it belonged to before we left.

Other than walking Bella around the park and doing our laundry at their laundry room, we took it easy. There wasn’t much nearby. A local gas station had an A & W restaurant and Cindy wanted a root beer float, so we had lunch there one day. The second day we tried lunch at the Ranch House Diner, which had received good reviews on some of the forums we follow. It was a good choice.

The rest was helpful and welcome. We were ready for our next stop and looking forward to exploring it.

Thanks for following The Wandering Wetheringtons.

3 thoughts on “The Hitching Post RV Park in Snowville Utah June 6-8, 2024”

  1. Pingback: Three Island Crossing State Park in Glenns Ferry, Idaho June 8 – 13, 2024 -

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