Today, May 11, 2024, marks day 1,000 of Cindy and I full time RV’ing across the United States and Canada. To say it has been an experience would be an understatement.

When we started we only posted our stories and photos on our Facebook Page, but since you can’t trust Facebook (or Google, or Instagram or other large conglomerates) to keep up their end of the bargain, we switched to our own blog a little less than two years ago. Our first post there begins with our first day crossing into Alaska, The Land of the Midnight Sun and continues up until today with this post and, hopefully, beyond.

We have learned a LOT about RV’ing in these past 1,000 days in Nomad, our travel trailer. Like how to successfully boondock (or dry camp) in the wilderness, on the side of the road or even in parking lots of businesses like Cracker Barrel and Walmart. Or how to change out flat tires on the trailer and our tow vehicle, Voyager. And how important a countertop ice-making machine can be to your overall well-being, or why it’s important to be sure your propane tanks don’t run out in the winter. I’ve also learned how great Cindy is at planning our routes and stops. If it were just me, I’d be driving around Willy-nilly, maybe having someplace to stay, maybe not.

When it comes to seeing and experiencing great places, well we’ve had some of the best during the past 1,000 days. When we visited Alaska for a month we got to stop at North Pole, Alaska so Cindy could visit Santa’s Home and the Reindeer Farm. We stayed at Mammoth Cave in Kentucky (but are going back this year because during our first visit I neglected to buy tickets early enough to tour the cave…lesson learned), and got to see and experience Niagara Falls. We’ve enjoyed Yellowstone National Park, and before we started this blog we visited the majestic Grand Canyon, the eerie town of Roswell, and the amazing U.S. Space Center.

I’ve enjoyed my first Superman Celebration in Metropolis, Illinois and Cindy was excited to learn the history of the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. We both got to experience the Star Trek Set Experience in Ticonderoga, New York. And these are just a few of the many great things we’ve had the opportunity to see and do as we’ve travelled across the U.S.

In addition, we’ve been able to visit family and friends across the U.S., some that we hadn’t seen in many years.

So what will the next 1,000 days bring? Stay with us and see.
Thanks for following The Wandering Wetheringtons.
It’s been fun following you two!